Mentor Medical Education
Dr Nigel Giam
GP Training Programme Director
MRCGP (Distinction) MRCP
MBBS (Hons) BSc (Hons)
PGCert Med Ed
Mentor MRCGP
AKT | CSA | RCA | SCA Courses
Exam Success for MRCGP @ 2003 to 2025
Approved for NHSE Study Leave Budget

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My Story
Dr Nigel Giam graduated from Guys and St Thomas UMDS in 1998 with a 1st Class Honours in Anatomy and a Distinction in Medicine.
He worked as a Medical Registrar and MRCP PACES Course Organiser at St Thomas before commencing GP Training with SLOVTS. He continues to work as a GP Tutor for undergraduate students at Kings College School of Medicine and at Imperial College School of Medicine.
He attained a Distinction in the MRCGP attaining a Merit in the AKT, Video and Viva modules. He was awarded the RCGP National Roche Award in 2003 and was the London RCGP Faculties MRCGP Course Director till 2007 working with RCGP Examiners to deliver MRCGP preparation courses.
Mentor MRCGP has helped over 25000 GPSTs attain the MRCGP since 2003 through AKT | CSA | RCA | SCA preparation, many of whom have now become GP Trainers, Programme and Associate Directors. All courses run by Mentor MRCGP are approved by NHSE London for Study Leave Budget Allowance.
Nigel is an experienced GP trainer, ARCP Chair and has been the GP TPD for St Marys GPVTS since 2008. He delivers regular AKT and SCA Workshops for GP Training Schemes within NHSE London and also nationally.
As a senior GP clinical tutor, he teaches allied health care professionals specialising in honing clinical and consultation skills for clinical pharmacists as part of the CPPE pathway for the Univeristy of Manchester and previously as a Physician Associate OCSE Course Organiser for the University of East Anglia.
More recently he has been commissioned by HEE London to help address differential attainment and support IMG GPSTs to attain CCT.
His ethos for teaching is simple.
Centre teaching on the individual.
Make it fun.
Make it focused.
Make it a lesson worth remembering.